
I would like to introduce the Hypnotherapy aspect of my work. Predominantly this is the eyes closedpart of the work we will do together. This usually happens during the second half of our sessions and gives you time to process what we have worked on. You can then access your unconscious mind to enable change.

What is Hypnosis?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines hypnosis as the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person is highly responsive to suggestion or direction. Origin Greek: hypnos sleep.

It is a trance like state of altered consciousness that resembles sleep which makes any relevant suggestions we have worked on during the ‘eyes open’ part of the session more powerful. Many people say it is as if they have fallen into a deep sleep; for others it is as if they have been daydreaming. If your mind wanders it doesnt matter. Please bring your mobile phone so I can record the hypnosis for you. You can then listen to it when ever you like (please DO NOT listen to it whilst driving or operating machinery etc).

Hypnosis is very relaxing and you are in control at all times. I recommend you close your eyes so that you are able to relax fully. However if you would prefer to keep them open or wish to open them at any time, that is fine too.

What styles of Hypnosis do I offer?

We are all different and so different styles of Hypnosis therefore work better for different people. Its my job to find the best style or combination of styles for you. Here is a list of the styles I offer:

Direct suggestion example language style 

‘close your eyes/I would like you to close your eyes…….you want to lose weight…you will lose weight… You will lose weight because you will find yourself becoming choosier about what you eat and when you eat….when ever you reach for fattening or unnecessary food you will see the image of yourself weighing your ideal weight and it will be very easy to choose not to over eat…’

Direct suggestions deal with the issue or the specific response required overtly and clearly. They are not known for their subtlety and they refer to your conscious experience. They provide specific solutions to issues with detailed instructions about how to respond.

Indirect suggestions example language style

a good hypnotic subject begins the trance experience by closing their eyes….can you allow your eyes to close…

Indirect suggestions are those that relate to the issue at hand or to the specific desired response in a covert and unobtrusive way. They can be quite subtle. Such suggestions usually do not relate directly to your conscious experience; rather they are indirectly related and thus require you to interpret them in order to make meaning of them. The use of indirect suggestions can have you wondering at a conscious level what is being talked about while at the same time your unconscious mind is connecting what is being said to their internal experiences, thus paving the way for change.

Metaphor – example language style

I use metaphors and tell stories which during hypnosis you can then make relevant to your own issue.

Metaphors in the context of clinical hypnosis are stories and are an indirect method to achieve a number of goals. They are considered one of the most powerful and gentle means for communicating relevant information. Metaphors relate a story that can capture your conscious interest while at deeper levels allowing you to learn new ways of thinking and behaving.

Analytical – example language style

‘when you enter this particular room you’ll find something very meaningful and significant there…and soon you will discover something or someone relevant to what you’re struggling with…’

You are relaxed into hypnosis and, using free association, we set out to release and resolve bottled up emotions, conflicts and anxieties. It may be that you have no conscious recollection of the thing you need to resolve and if you have no recollection it is therefore not possible to grieve, cry or talk about it. It is not so much a case of ‘finding’ the incident/emotion but rather allowing it to come to the surface by itself.

Teaching the client Self-help (Including self-hypnosis and tasking)


I consider teaching self hypnosis and giving homework to be fundamental to the effectiveness of a treatment programme and your eventual self sufficiency. I supply supporting literature, direct you to relevant books or YouTube/TED Talks etc in each session.


Types of inductions to the Hypnotic state that I use include:


Basic Inductions

For use if you have not experienced a formal trance induction before. The purpose is to inform you about the process of trance and imitate trance experiences.

Confusional Induction

For use when your conscious mind would continue to analyse, critique, plan etc throughout a basic induction or if letting go of control is a concern.


For use if you are anxious about the hypnotic process or reluctant to engage it. The induction does not mention  trance or hypnosis and instead it focuses upon the development of relaxation and comfortable self-awareness.

Revivification Induction

For use if you have successfully experienced hypnosis before and to take you deeper into trance.

Simulation Induction

For use when you can remember a non hypnotic trance experience in a particular situation such as jogging, sitting by the ocean, day dreaming and so on and then to use this to achieve trance.

Eye Fixation/Arm Levitation Induction

For if you expect or are seeking a demonstration of hypnosis similar to that of stage hypnosis.

Brief Induction

For use if you are experienced and are able to then achieve a quick trance state and then move into the work phase of the trance.

Traditional Self-Hypnosis Training Induction

How to enter and use a self-hypnotic trance to relax in stressful situations, to manage urges and/or for therapeutic self-exploration.

Rapid Self-Hypnosis Induction

A modified version of the Self-Hypnosis Training Induction for use if you can exercise a high degree of imaginative involvement.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Induction

Effective in achieving trance whether you are experienced or inexperienced with hypnosis; however especially effective if you are predominantly kinaesthetic (feelings).

Counting Induction

A popular induction and for use because of its simplicity. It involved counting downwards implying ‘going down’ into trance.

Your Therapy Journey Starts Here

Call Fiona on 07968 106 113 or fill out the form below

“I was suffering from nerves and lack of self-belief with respect to my golf swing, golf lessons did not seem to work, so I decided to try hypnotherapy. Following my sessions with Fiona, I definitely have more confidence.

My approach to golf has vastly improved, not necessarily all my shots yet, but I am sure that will come! Fiona has also taught me how to calm myself before taking a shot, and how to forget about the bad ones! These are tools you cannot find in the golf bag!”

Providing you with the most help in the least time. 

Face to face appointments are available 9am-9pm Monday to Friday or alternatively I offer remote sessions via Teams or Zoom or FaceTime.

07968 106 113


IMPORTANT NOTICE and PRIVACY POLICY : As you may be aware new Data Protection Legislation came in to force in the UK on 25th May 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is EU wide legislation, and is currently being enacted into UK law and will become the 2018 Data Protection Act.

This legislation affects every business that handles personal data for clients or staff. Personal data has been defined by the act as ‘any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified’, this will include such data as name and contact details, but may also include information such as IP Addresses. It will be necessary for me to contact you by email and phone and text and if you do not want me to use any of these methods please let me know. 

The personal data I collect about you will include data relating to your name, address, date of birth, wider contact details and data relating to health. I will process your personal data to allow me to provide you with services relating to psychotherapy and wellbeing.

I will only use your data for the purpose for which it was collected and it will remain confidential at all times. Your records shall be kept for at least 7 years following the last occasion on which treatment was given.  In the case of treatment to minors records will be kept or at least 7 years after they reach the age of majority (18).