I’d like to introduce the Psychotherapy aspect of my work. Predominantly this is the ‘eyes open’ part of the work we will do together. This is where you share with me your problem and I offer solutions. We then work through these together. This involves me gaining as much information from you as you wish to share so that I understand your problem as clearly as possible. The more detail you are happy to share with me, the more beneficial the outcome will be. Everything is confidential. I have over ten years of experience and I am a CBT specialist so results can be very quick.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
This is often the first therapy a GP/medical professional will recommend. The basic concept behind CBT is A+B=C where A=an activating event, B=the beliefs you have about the activating event and C=the consequences. For example, you may have called me because you have a fear of dogs which has got out of control to the extent that your life is becoming limited to only going out or to places where there is no chance of seeing or meeting a dog. In this model, you may hear a dog bark (A), you may have been bitten by a dog so you have a belief that dogs bite (B), and you are therefore afraid of dogs(C). CBT involves progressing from problems to goals. When I’m working with you, for the purposes of this example, CBT enables us to:
- Understand your beliefs and thoughts about dogs in the safe environment of my office
- Appreciated how your beliefs and thinking patterns affect your behaviour or the way you feel about dogs
- Challenge the thought/feeling link
- Find a more appropriate way of rationalising it
- Resolve the problem through appropriate thoughts giving rise to new constructive behaviour
In the UK, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommend CBT as the treatment choice for a wide range of common issues including anxiety, confidence, stress, OCD, depression, phobias, eating disorders and PTSD.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
This is a well known and widely used approach to human communication and personal development. Through it you can learn to develop interpersonal communication skills and practical ways to change the way you think and behave – thus forming better relationships, establishing a new level of confidence and achieving success in many aspects of your daily life. It contains a vast amount of strategies and theories.
Neuro = how you think
Linguistic = how you use language
Programming = controlling your state of mind and aligning your beliefs and values to achieve your goals.
Understanding, learning and practising NLP will help you:
- Build personal relationships
- Increase your persuasive skills
- Have a positive mental attitude
- Increase your self-esteem
- Overcome the effects of past negative experiences
- Focus on goals and channel your energy into achieving them
- Perform at your best
- Control the way you feel
- Align your values and beliefs with what you want to achieve
- Change unwanted habits
- Feel confident in whatever you attempt to do
- Achieve goals you previously thought were impossible
- Establish rapport with clients, customers and work colleagues
- Find creative ways to solve problems
- Enjoy activities you used to fear
- Use your time effectively
- Increase your sense of purpose in life
- Acquire the skills you admire in others
- Get more pleasure out of life
[NLP in 21 days – Alder&Heather 1998]
- Understand your beliefs and thoughts about dogs in the safe environment of my office
- Appreciated how your beliefs and thinking patterns affect your behaviour or the way you feel about dogs
- Challenge the thought/feeling link
- Find a more appropriate way of rationalising it
- Resolve the problem through appropriate thoughts giving rise to new constructive behaviour
EMDR (Eye Movement and Desensitisation Reprocessing)
This is a form of Psychotherapy developed by Francine Shapiro in the 1980’s and was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She worked closely with sufferers who has served in the Vietnam War and for whom no other treatment had made much difference to their symptoms. The process involves me working with you using bilateral stimulation and/or movements such as side to side eye movements whilst recalling stressful thoughts and feelings in the safe environment of my office. It can also be effective when working with anxiety, phobias, and OCD.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
This is also known as ‘tapping’. This involves you stimulating by tapping acupressure points which I will show you. Examples include the centre of your forehead, top of your elbow, the space between your nose and your top lip or your lower ribcage. For more discreet trapping I can show you how to anchor a finger or thumb or your earlobe. The belief is that EFT works because the tapping stimulates your central nervous system and causes your body to release helpful chemicals as well as working with me to anchor positive thoughts to focus on whilst you are tapping which will also release happy hormones.
Additional Strategy and Skills I Offer
The disciplines of CBT and NLP offer so many strategies and theories, too many for this brief introduction to go through them all!
We can talk about what is best for you when we first speak.
My aim is to help you experience them and teach you then the appropriate techniques so that you can then practise them yourself and implement them when needed. These techniques will help you when you know you need them, and also will become a natural way for you to cope with things so you won’t notice they are working sometimes too.
For example, the Circle of Confidence (NLP) will help you as it improves your thoughts and feelings if you are anxious, stressed or struggling emotionally and / or mentally and also can be used to improve happy times too. Attending a concert can go from being ‘good’ to ‘Great!’.
My intention is to help you help yourself and also to help you help those you care for by teaching you strategies and techniques you can teach to them. This is great with kids and adolescents.
For a no obligation chat, please call me on 07968106113 or email
Your Therapy Journey Starts Here
Call Fiona on 07968 106 113 or fill out the form below
“Before I met Fiona my problems haunted me, I had tried to cast them out with intensive counselling. This was a very painful process, going deep in to my past.
Fiona’s methods are pain free and effective. I am forever grateful for her subtle touch; with Fiona you don’t have to look at the past only to the future. This only touches the surface of what you have done for me and my family. “
Providing you with the most help in the least time.
Face to face appointments are available 9am-9pm Monday to Friday or alternatively I offer remote sessions via Teams or Zoom or FaceTime.
07968 106 113
IMPORTANT NOTICE and PRIVACY POLICY : As you may be aware new Data Protection Legislation came in to force in the UK on 25th May 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is EU wide legislation, and is currently being enacted into UK law and will become the 2018 Data Protection Act.
This legislation affects every business that handles personal data for clients or staff. Personal data has been defined by the act as ‘any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified’, this will include such data as name and contact details, but may also include information such as IP Addresses. It will be necessary for me to contact you by email and phone and text and if you do not want me to use any of these methods please let me know.
The personal data I collect about you will include data relating to your name, address, date of birth, wider contact details and data relating to health. I will process your personal data to allow me to provide you with services relating to psychotherapy and wellbeing.
I will only use your data for the purpose for which it was collected and it will remain confidential at all times. Your records shall be kept for at least 7 years following the last occasion on which treatment was given. In the case of treatment to minors records will be kept or at least 7 years after they reach the age of majority (18).